2008abm哺乳女性抗抑郁药物的应用 -凯发app官网登录



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2014-05-06 20:13 阅读:4619 来源:爱爱医 责任编辑:张子玲
[导读] the tcas(amit**tyline, amoxapine,clomipramine, desipramine, doxepin, mapro-tiline, nort**tyline, prot**tyline, and trim-ipramine)are one of the older classes of anti-depressants.


    data from a recent meta-**ysis indicatedthat all antidepressants were detected in breast-milk but not all were found in infant serum.30infant serum levels of nort**tyline, paroxetine,and sertraline were undetectable in most cases.infant serum levels of citalopram and fluoxe-tine exceeded the recommended 10% maternallevel in 17% and 22% of cases, respectively. fewadverse outcomes are reported for any of theantidepressants. there were an insufficientnumber of cases for all other antidepressants tomake conclusions.


    st. john's wort, an herbal medication, hasbeen used for the treatment of mild to moder-ate depression for many years, especially in eu-rope. its use as a treatment for depression iscontroversial in the united states. only onestudy of sufficient numbers was available forreview.

    in this study there were increasedrates of colic, drowsiness, and lethargy in thest. john's wort group compared to controls,but this was confounded by concomitant anti-depressant treatment in the study group. nolong-term effects were noted, and no effect onmilk production.omega-3 fatty acids are currently being stud-ied as a treatment for depression during preg-nancy and the postpartum period.

    omega-3fatty acids appear to be of little risk to mothersand infants as they are natural essential ele-ments of one's diet and are often depleted dur-ing pregnancy and breastfeeding. the primarynegative side effect is the “fishy smell” and thelack of sufficient evidence at this time to con-sider it a treatment for depression.there is little or no evidence that ethnic orregional “medicines” are safe or effective; thustheir use by healthcare providers is stronglycautioned.






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